It's Flynn-the-cat's birthday week!
Flynn-the-cat's avatar


Is watching you dance.
640 Watchers781 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Digital Art
  • Feb 17, 1987
  • New Zealand
  • Deviant for 17 years
Ninja Llama: Llamas are awesome! (712)
Halloween: Get Spooky With It
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
Snowball: Someone likes you, and it’s snow joke! (1)

Favourite Writers
Terry Pratchett, Lois McMaster Bujold, George RR Martin, Patrick Rothfuss, Merry Shannon
Favourite Games
Tools of the Trade
ArtRage, pencils
I'm posting because it always sort of annoys me a bit to see accounts with journals years out of date. I'm alive. I'm... not exactly active on DA. Or anywhere except my Tumblr right now, really. I've had a very very busy year or so (overseas trips with no internet, going back to full time study AGAIN and getting a really awesome full time job that the internet loses to. Yes, really. Ha ha, sucks to be you, internet). I've been sporadically painting stuff, but mostly just bouncing back to a flipping huge painting project that I started after Wellington Armageddon last year (I sketched it out on the stall), and just... keep... adding to.It w...
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My first journal in over a year and it's a shameless vote begging journal. *Shakes head sadly and looks disapprovingly at self*Ah well.To the point! I just had my first designs accepted for voting at Threadless and need votes to get them printed! They're both My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic designs, and you can see them in this deviation: MLP Abstract Designs The voting pages are: Rarity: Rare Elegance Pinkie Pie: Funfunfun I would hugely appreciate votes, and if you know of any Brony friends, pass the links along?I've got dreadful carpal tunnel right now, so this is the most typing I can manage, I'm afraid. But I'd love to get at lea...
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I've hardly uploaded anything this year. I used to average a painting a day! I haven't even written a journal since last October.But I've finally finished university (I even had a summer course, so I haven't NOT had Uni for about two years solid). I've just finished off both diplomas (a distance one and a postgraduate one), and am technically a graduand. Again.And I finally, finally have time to paint again. I have missed it very much. Christmas, I started again - and promptly lost my tablet pen travelling around for the holidays to visit family. I managed to buy a new tablet (well, a second hand one - an Intuos 3) which is bigger and bett...
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Happy Early Birthday, Sir.
Sincerely one of your hopefully entirely too many fans;
Early Birthday wishes to you next week my man!
Early Birthday wishes to you this weekend Flynn my man and may it be so EPIC SWEET!
Happy birthday! :D
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      bunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley faces Eyeball  bunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley faces
      bunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley faceslittle demon left [f2u]  Tini Preserved Heart Moving Eye Ball Cup Cake 50x50 icon  Broken Heart  Moving Eye Ball Cup Cake 50x50 icon  Tini Preserved Heart little demon right [f2u]bunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley faces
     bunch of smiley faceslittle demon 2 left [f2u]Moving Eyeballs Cake Type 2 50x50 icon 
Virtual Retro LED - HVirtual Retro LED - AVirtual Retro LED - PVirtual Retro LED - PVirtual Retro LED - Y Moving Eyeballs Cake Type 2 50x50 iconlittle demon 2 right [f2u]bunch of smiley faces
Fireball PixelMoving Eyeballs Cake 50x50 iconVirtual Retro LED - BVirtual Retro LED - IVirtual Retro LED - RVirtual Retro LED - TVirtual Retro LED - HVirtual Retro LED - DVirtual Retro LED - AVirtual Retro LED - YMoving Eyeballs Cake 50x50 iconFireball Pixel
:heartbeat:Eye BnW 01Eye BnW 03Eye BnW 01Eye BnW 03Eye BnW 02Eye BnW 01Eye BnW 03Eye BnW 02Eye BnW 01Eye BnW 03Eye BnW 02Eye BnW 01Eye BnW 03Eye BnW 02Eye BnW 01Eye BnW 03Eye BnW 02Eye BnW 01Eye BnW 03Eye BnW 02Eye BnW 01Eye BnW 03:heartbeat:
Happy birthday! socks the cat- nYA by paw-kitten