
Drops in the Ocean

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Flykick-Chick's avatar

Literature Text

I hear a gulp, a heaving breath and an incoherent jumble of words. I look up and across the road is a mess of a girl, red faced and sobbing, stumbling along as if the effort of picking up one foot after the next is too monumental for her broken soul to bear. As if she feels my inquiring gaze, she looks up abruptly and our eyes meet over a sea of traffic. One glance, that’s all it is, but it’s enough to bring a tear to my eye.

My heart is pulling me towards this girl because deep down, I feel that something is wrong; and nobody should have to feel that bad alone. I bid to reach her, but I am too late; the road is filled with a million metal cars speeding to their own personal destinations, and by the time they have cleared she is no longer there.

So I continue on my way with the occasional glance over my shoulder, just to see if she will appear again, but she doesn’t, so I do all I can. I pray for her. Because although we are two strangers whose eyes met briefly over a busy road, our souls met in that moment too. And as separate as all of our lives are in this hustling, indifferent world, we all coexist as do drops in the ocean; and we cannot let anyone succumb to the tide.
© 2016 - 2024 Flykick-Chick
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asmokingskeleton's avatar
Well this brightened up my monday morning!