CircuitousTwo FAQ

7 min read

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FlyingHyrax's avatar
Welcome to the CircuitousTwo Frequently Asked Questions guide.  I will use this journal to post answers to questions about the skins that I either get a lot, or that are too long and complicated to put in a mere comment.
CircuitousTwo by FlyingHyrax

Does the media player skin work with Spotify?

Short answer - not really.
The NowPlaying plugin used in the media player skin only has partial support for Spotify.  As far as I can tell, this is mostly just because Spotify only shows limited information in the first place.  From the manual, here is what NowPlaying can do with Spotify:
Partially supported. Only the types Artist, Track and the bangs Play, PlayPause, Stop, Next, and Previous are available.
This means that for Circuitous Two, many of the features of the media player skin simply will not work with Spotify.  No Album name will ever be displayed, song progress won't be displayed by the roundline, the repeat and shuffle buttons will not function, and you won't be able to click the roundline or scroll with the mousewheel to move backwards and forwards in the current song.  All that is why I decided to remove Spotify as an option in the Config.ini skin.
If you would like to use Spotify with CircuitousTwo regardless, you can do so by manually editing the file "...\CircuitousTwo\@Resources\Settings.txt".  (You can open the file by clicking the "advanced" link in the Config.ini skin.)  Just change the mediaPlayer value to Spotify, save the file, and refresh the Circuitous NowPlaying skin.

How do I make the SpeedFan skin work?

First, make sure that SpeedFan is actually running.  CoreTemp and SpeedFan provide the data for the CoreTemp and SpeedFan skins, respectively.  If the appropriate program is not running in the background, then the Tempurature skins will not display information.
SpeedFan assigns an index (a number) to each temperature and voltage sensor it finds on your system.  In order to retrieve the correct information from the SpeedFan application, Rainmeter's SpeedFan.dll plugin has to know which index to get the values for.  To find the index for a sensor, open the "Configure" window in the SpeedFan application, and count down from the top of the list of sensors.  The are numbered starting at zero, increasing from top to bottom, as shown here:

The same numbering scheme is used for the Voltage sensors - just go to the "Voltages" tab and count to find the index for the sensor you want to show in Rainmeter.
You set the index values for the CircuitousTwo SpeedFan skin in the file "...\CircuitousTwo\@Resources\Settings.txt".  You need to set the sfTempIndex and sfVoltIndex to the index of the temperature sensor and voltage sensor you want to show in the Circuitous SpeedFan skin:

Enter your desired index values, save the text file, and refresh the SpeedFan skin.

Can I add more than three hard drives?

Yes, and it isn't too difficult; but you do need to have at least a basic understanding of how Rainmeter skins work.
To make things as simple as possible, we will copy the original hard drive skins, and change the variable names in the code of the new copies to use new drive letter variables.
First, we should create more variables for our additional hard drive letters in "...\CircuitousTwo\@Resources\Settings.txt".  You can call them anything you'd like, but for consistency I will call them "hdN" (where 'N' is a number) like the original hard drive variables:

Obviously, the value of the variables you create in Settings.txt should be the letter of the hard drive you want to monitor.  Don't forget to save your changes.
Next, we will make copies of the original hard drive skins.  The hard drive skins are in the folder "...\CircuitousTwo\Disks\".  "disk1.ini" is coded slightly differently from disk2 and disk3 - disk1 is set to ignore removable hard drives and has a higher update rate.  For simplicity we will just make copies of disk2.  Copy the whole disk2 folder - if each .ini file is not in its own folder, then Rainmeter will consider them as "Variants" and you will not be able to launch them at the same time.

Now we should rename our new folders and files.  Name the folders "disk4" and "disk5", and the files inside "disk4.ini" and "disk5.ini".  Just like with the variables, you can technically name these anything you want - but using numbers for these almost-identical skins makes it easier to keep track of things.

Next, we need to edit our new skin files to use the variables we created in Settings.txt.  Although we renamed them, the code inside disk4.ini and disk5.ini is exactly the same as the code in disk2.ini, so if we launched all of them right now they would look exactly the same.  What we need to do is go through our new files and change all instances of #hd2# to whatever our new variable name is for that skin (e.g., for disk4.ini we would change all occurrences of #hd2# to #hd4#).  The Find/Replace utility is your friend.

After the change, all the measures and meters in our skin file should use one of the new drive letter variables we created.  Don't forget to save.  Make sure that each of your hard drive skins is in it's own folder, each folder is named differently, and that each hard disk skin uses a different drive letter variable from Settings.txt.  When you are done making changes, right click on the Rainmeter tray icon and select "Refresh All."  Rainmeter will search through your skins folder and find the new skins you made, so that you can launch them from the Manage dialog or the context menu, just like the originals.

You can use these steps to add, in theory, as many hard drives as you'd like (up to the point where you run out of hard drive letters, of course).

How do I make the clock skin show AM/PM?

On the "Time" page of the Config.ini skin, click the "code" text under "Time Format."  In the text box, add " %p" to the end of the string and press enter.  This will add an AM/PM indicator to the main clock text:

You can also set the code string directly in the Settings.txt file.  A full list of valid format codes can be found here.

© 2013 - 2025 FlyingHyrax
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Hi, I've had to reinstall Rainmeter (on Win10) due to my old hard drive failing. I've copied over the Rainmeter files from the old drive, including CircuitousTwo. The MediaPlayer=CAD (I use MusicBee). But NowPlaying doesn't show that the player is in use, it says "Closed" all the time, and clicking on it doesn't open MusicBee.  Any idea on what might be wrong, please? This used to work fine. Many thanks. PS I love CircuitousTwo!