I like balloonsFlyingApplesaucer on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/flyingapplesaucer/art/I-like-balloons-407625990FlyingApplesaucer

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FlyingApplesaucer's avatar

I like balloons

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3013x1678px 5.12 MB
© 2013 - 2025 FlyingApplesaucer
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Beatnext's avatar
This piece is as incredible as everyone says, I comply with that full-heartedly.

As for my emotion I get from the piece, I actually feel a sense of loneliness.  I don't know if that was the feeling you were trying to give people, but it gave me a certain aura of solitude, mostly from the single character out in the middle of the forest with nobody else around.

It is quite fantastic though that I get that feeling because not all illustration pieces speak as loud as yours here did to me here.

Astounding work mate, keep it up.