Harry Potter: The 7 Stages of DenialFlying-Foxx on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/flying-foxx/art/Harry-Potter-The-7-Stages-of-Denial-296726602Flying-Foxx

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Harry Potter: The 7 Stages of Denial



Edit:: 11/18/12 - I've gotten a huge wave of wonderful comments on this, more than I'm used to seeing on any of my works. Since I've fallen behind on trying to answer them all, I'd just like to give a huge Thank You to all of you awesome folks out there who've fav'd and commented on this! You people are beautiful~ ;u;

I started this around the time when the last movie came out. I guess I just forgot about it somewhere along the way and only finished it recently xD

Anyways, this is a mix of the characters' and fans' feelings towards Snape throughout the series.

Funny how the most despised character became the most beloved one at the end~ >o>

The Harry Potter series belongs to J.K. Rowling
Art belongs to :iconflying-foxx:
Image size
900x3750px 1.45 MB
© 2012 - 2025 Flying-Foxx
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