Hello there, my name is Danny Maldonando. To me, a photo is more than just shot, more than just a pose. It’s an expression, a captured vision of reality. In this DeviantArt page I will add some of my work for comments and critique.
Aside from my website below, you can view my Blog at
FlyByPhoto.wordpress.comCurrent Residence: Florida
Favourite style of art: People and Nature
Operating System: Mac and Windows 7
MP3 player of choice: Ipod Touch
Favourite cartoon character: Mazinger
Personal Quote: Always do the most with what you have. If you are given lemons, learn to make lemonade.
Favourite Visual Artist
Steve McCurry
Favourite Movies
Braveheart, Saw, Avatar, Inception, Batman
Favourite TV Shows
Big Bang Theory, Modern Family, Bones, Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, Person of Interest, Fringe, New Girl
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Iron Maiden, Era, Enigma, Marc Anthony, Ricardo Montaner
Favourite Books
No Second Chance, Alex Cross Series, The Alchemist, Darkness in Him, Level 26 Series
Favourite Writers
Harlan Coben, James Patterson, Paulo Coelho
Favourite Games
Metal Gear Solid 4, Bionic Commando, Valkiria Chronicles, Battlefield Series, Star Wars Old Republic, Mass Effect Series
Favourite Gaming Platform
PC and PS3
Tools of the Trade
My camera, tripod, a pen, and a notebook
Other Interests
Life, Poetry, Writing, Photography, Motorcycle