flutterguy317 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/flutterguy317/art/We-Can-Save-The-Crystal-Ponies-With-Fabulosity-327422044flutterguy317

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flutterguy317's avatar

We Can Save The Crystal Ponies With Fabulosity!!



Yay, more lighting! This is part of a collab with some VI's from the :iconmlp-vectorclub: to vector the Adventures in the Crystal Empire DVD cover (which is set to be released on December 4!!). Unfortunately, the back half of rarity is cut off in the released cover image, so I had to take a wild guess at Rarity's tail (which is pretty much guaranteed to be different in the show :p). I hope it still came out fabulously! Huge thanks to :iconkired25: and :iconzutheskunk: for help with the perspective on the cutie mark!!

As a side note, I absolutely love vectoring Rarity's mane and tail! I don't know if it's weird, but there's something about the intricate perspective that I really enjoy. And because I enjoy drawing Rarity, I feel that she's started to grow on me as a character :)

Anyhow, stay tuned for the full cover collab! I will probably post a journal when it's done :D

As always, feel free to critique, and I hope you like my take on the crystal pony version of Rarity! Svg can be found here (you can open this with any version of Inkscape... since it's part of a collab I didn't use powerstrokes or any new features in version 0.49): [link]


If you do use this (or any of my other artwork), please let me know so I can check out what you make with it!
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6428x5059px 2.82 MB
© 2012 - 2024 flutterguy317
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humanmuck's avatar
Is she wearing earrings?