flutterguy317 on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/flutterguy317/art/Ponyscape-PNG-354658716flutterguy317

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flutterguy317's avatar




Hi Everypony!

So I've spent the last couple of weeks pretty much just chilling, trying to get caught back up on sleep, and unfortunately haven't been doing a lot of vectoring... That should hopefully change soon, but in the meantime, here's the Ponyscape logo for all your Ponyscape needs and desires :)

The Ponyscape logo is released under the GPL version 2 license as it uses the original Inkscape logo, however Caramel Curve is my OC so if you do use the logo in something I would appreciate if you let me know so I can check it out :) You can find the svg here: [link]

If you do use this (or any of my other artwork), please let me know so I can check out what you make with it!
Image size
7431x8533px 5.87 MB
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Chontica's avatar
Haha! It's so cute! :D I love the effects you used on the mountain! ^^