A Note for Derpyflutterguy317 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/flutterguy317/art/A-Note-for-Derpy-292529821flutterguy317

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A Note for Derpy



Here's a vector of Derpy with a note from Dash (from Hurricane Fluttershy)! There were so many Derpy sightings in this episode, and I thought this was one of the cutest. I hope you like it and as always, feel free to critique. My svg can be found here: [link]

Edit (March 27, 2012): Made a lot of fixes from recommendations on reddit: Derpy's body stroke is now one path and I used ellipses and clipping for the eyes instead of trying (and failing) to get them to look right using paths. Also fixed some fill issues and did some stroke touch-ups. Here's the new svg: [link]
Image size
3350x5033px 611.71 KB
© 2012 - 2025 flutterguy317
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