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My Foliage Brushes



I seriously hope I uploaded these right. If not, let me know. :]

LOL I was sick today and had the house to myself. I started working on the comic page a little more and needed some foliage, and rather than using downloaded brushes, I thought I'd make my own. :D They're not anything brilliant or amazing, I just thought they turned out alright for my first time making 'em. Was actually kinda fun. These are just a few of the ones I made.

Oh, and 1 and 2 are NOT foliage brushes. They're slightly edited default brushes, but I made them specifically for sketching. When I sketch, those two are the only ones I use. If you're new to Photoshop and don't know how to make your own brushes yet, then I thought I'd share these. :) Everything else however, is all 100% created by me and only me. :lol::D:lol:

They're free to use for whatever the hell you want. But if you do use them, I'd appreciate a link (which I'll post on the Artist's comment) So people can see them actually used.

One last thing, a tablet is required for them to look as they do above. I'm sorry to non-tablet users. I'll make a few brushes for you guys later on. You can still use these, they just may not look the same. :D

Some examples:

More Brushes
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Gracias, no sabes lo mucho que me va a servir