I brought cake but I ate itFluffyXai on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/fluffyxai/art/I-brought-cake-but-I-ate-it-591284163FluffyXai

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I brought cake but I ate it



Happy late valentines day from Pinkie!
I tried to make a picture on Sunday but nothing I tried was really working. I haven't given up on the sketches but I'll leave them for another time.
In the end, I ended up making this. cus for a valentines day picture, who else could it be than my darling Pinkie~

I watched a bunch of pinkie episodes while I drew this, just to channel my love for the silly adorable party pony.
The caption was inspired by the line in "Balloons in my Basket" by Fragmented; "I was going to bring cupcakes... But I ate them all~♪"

This actually started as me making a vector for a Pinkie face. specifically a face from the beginning of "Rarity Investigates". but it turned into a full picture X3

Also, I haven't done a vector in forever, Adobe Illustrator was so hard to work with since I'm not used to it. and for some reason it wasn't blurring the tail shade properly. but oh well, I got it done.

Background: [Background] Ponyville scenery by TriteBristle

Image size
4000x2400px 4.08 MB
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ClopinStarchbopper's avatar
That's okay, Pinkie. I'm sure it was delicious. :aww: