Which way does the wind blow?

1 min read

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FluffyBlueCow's avatar
Hi guys and gals, 

It's a new year and pretty much everything I tried last year failed. Some quite spectacularly. 
So, here I am, once again staring into the unknown future and I have no idea which way the wind blows. Where do I go? What do I do?

What gives me some hope is that at the start of last year, I only had one client. This year I have 5, with a possible 6th in a little while. 
Will that be enough for me to cover my basic needs? I can only hope. 
What I've found with my vast range of skills, is that I really enjoy freelancing. I like the variety of projects that I receive, I love that I actually have to build relationships with my clients, not just do the job. Everything seems so real, and no two days are the same. 

But it's a hard living, especially in our country where people have a very weird sense of what to pay for labour.
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