FlorentCourty on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/florentcourty/art/Apotheosis-189983761FlorentCourty

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Daily Deviation

Daily Deviation

December 26, 2010
Apotheosis by ~Lavaspawn Emats States "this work is well-deserving of a DD." The picture demonstrates how it is possible to seemingly feel the chill in the air and to breath in the fresh, crisp air on a new day dawning. Just take a minute out of your busy holiday schedule and feel your muscles relaxing while gazing at the amazing photography of Lavaspawn.
Featured by WDWParksGal
Suggested by SvenMueller
FlorentCourty's avatar




An amazing sunrise I've witnessed this morning, very very cold with the wind but it was worth it! =)

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Edit: Thanks for the DD! =D

Painting inspired from this shot: [link]
Image size
800x533px 525.48 KB
© 2010 - 2024 FlorentCourty
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Cyklopi's avatar

magical winter landscape, colors and photo - I'm lovin it!:love: