floramisa on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/floramisa/art/Flowerbuns-Subspecies-Sheet-678313094floramisa

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floramisa's avatar

Flowerbuns Subspecies Sheet



This has been a WIP species for well over a year now, but life got in the way... and other ambitions... 

Needless to say, I feel like they deserve a species on their own. These guys are the original design concepts for my upcoming ARPG and can be used as companions for both Mothcats and the other species, once it comes! :>

Flowerbuns - or Florabuns, if you want to call them that - are a semi-open species

The conditions are
- You must be a member of Mothcats or Floriettes when it opens up 
- You may make one for free based off of the info above 
- Follow this procedure to get your design approved (include an image for the masterlist + slot proof as needed)

Future Flowerbuns must be made using a Flowerbun Seed (shown below)
Seed - Flowerbun by Mothkitten 
Flowerbun Seed - Obtainable via quest/event from Mothcats and Floriettes ARPG's! 

Trade/Resale Rules
- Adoptables can only be made by floramisa and authorized artists
- Adoptables may be traded or resold for the amount originally purchased 
- Flowerbuns obtained via "free" methods may not be resold but CAN be retraded 

Mothchive (Will probably be renamed after Floriettes take off... hah...)

As always, by creating a Flowerbun, you automatically agree to my Artist Terms and Conditions

- - - 

Feel free to ask questions below! I am 100% certain I forgot something. 
Image size
1000x1422px 760.48 KB
© 2017 - 2024 floramisa
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AthenasArmor's avatar
Hello! I just made a Florabun that it awaiting her approval. I gave her moss as her plant, just want to clarify if that is ok. Thank you!