FloppyChiptunes on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/floppychiptunes/art/MLP-Octavia-singing-390883727FloppyChiptunes

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FloppyChiptunes's avatar

MLP: Octavia singing



One of the ponies I've created for the 'My Little Karaoke' kakemono.
Feel free to use it etc. as always :) Please let me know where you use it, I would like to see it :)

MLP:FiM (c) Lauren Faust, Hasbro
Octavia Melody (c) Lauren Faust, Hasbro

You can grab the .svg file here: sta.sh/026itruxxb3e
Image size
10000x9726px 1.91 MB
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Mileskiller70's avatar
Hi, I recently used your wonderful artwork in my non-profit youtube video under the title “Konoyo Loading MLP Style.”
If for some reason you’re not alright with that please let me know and I’ll have it taken down asap. You have been given proper credit in the description with a link back to this page. Thank you for providing such a great vector! If you have time and would like to check out the video I'd be delighted to hear what you think of it! Thank you again!
