FlipsideEquis on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/flipsideequis/art/You-do-what-with-us-367935203FlipsideEquis

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FlipsideEquis's avatar

You do what with us?!



Everyone knows what I'm talking about here ;)

If anyone wants to request an OC, I will be happy to make it for them! You can ask in the comments or note me :)
Just be sure to have a vector, I can't make vectors AT ALL! It's highly recommended that you have a vector of your OC.

Shocked RD and Twi Vector: [link]
Made by :iconyanoda:
Image size
2560x1440px 2.12 MB
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Twily469's avatar
mmmm... Smart question but I don't know how to tell you *squee*