FlipsideEquis on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/flipsideequis/art/Another-Rainbow-Dash-Wallpaper-367894104FlipsideEquis

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FlipsideEquis's avatar

Another Rainbow Dash Wallpaper



This is my first proper attempt of using shapes in a wallpaper :/ Yeah I think I went alright, I'd love to learn how to get the blur filters as layers though, might need to look at some tutorials.

If anyone wants to add this group, go ahead :)

If anyone wants to request an OC, I will be happy to make it for them! You can ask in the comments or note me :)
Just be sure to have a vector, I can't make vectors AT ALL! It's highly recommended that you have a vector of your OC.

Rainbow Dash Vector: [link]
Made by :iconstabzor:
Image size
2560x1440px 2.43 MB
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