send this to 0 people and u will become juustin biebr's limo driver!!! if u dont send this to 0 people then u will become justin bieber!!!!111
these r stories of ppl who justin bieber!!!! bad story 1 just got up from a shit and decided to go on her crappy mac laptop. she then saww this chainmail but DIDN'T BELIEVE It!!!!ELEVEN11 so then she sent it to 1 people bc shr thought it was a JEOK. BUT IT WASNT!!! so she woke up te next moning as JUSTIN BIEBER@@@
bad story 2 was on his desktop osx one day.. and SAW.......................................... THIS CHAIN MAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOOO... HE BELIEVED IT.. AND SEND IT TO -9 PEOPLE!!!! and then he became juSTIN BEIBERER
bad story 3 u r reading this right now... if u wanna become a canadian greek god then send this to as many ppl as possible so they know how bad it culd b to b JUSTIN BIEBER!!112324
if u dont send this to 0 ppl in 10 minutes then justin bebber will eat your CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!