FleetingStability on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/fleetingstability/art/Alpha-Prereqs-PoTAs-YTH-SOLD-1095096108FleetingStability

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FleetingStability's avatar

Alpha Prereqs + PoTAs YTH - SOLD



2/2 Slots Open.

Each slot will include a set of PoTAs with +60 score, and 5 of each activity roll types.

You may also add on a set of RoDs with +60 score of an additional 15 usd.

Price: 35usd

Any complexity welcome.

Image size
2760x1944px 3.07 MB
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FluffyFatFudog's avatar

I'm interested! Though, I only need 4 activities for my Tokos, could I ask for the extra 5th to be used for another Toko?