Scorch DragonFleetingEmber on DeviantArt

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FleetingEmber's avatar

Scorch Dragon



This dragon's flame is so hot it fuses armor and bone

I'm so incredibly happy with how this dragon has come out I don't even know where to start! I had major colour swaps in the middle of painting (like always!) as it wasn't hitting me as I wanted it to. Changing the dragon's scales to a pale silvery white worked super well, and I'm so happy with the lighting. I really tried to be aware of my shadows in this, and tried not be afraid to darken things that needed it.

I have a feeling this is going to be new favourite piece for a while!!!

Part of a series of commissions.
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2000x1412px 2.35 MB
© 2018 - 2025 FleetingEmber
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iggyfing's avatar
duDE that sense of movement + the straining of the jaw (it looks like it's about to unhinge completely!) + the dramatic lighting from the fire-breath... pure art