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Jurassic World Evolution


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I had some unexpected free time so thought I'd finally get this thing finished.

Well, this is definitely one of the best illustrations I've done in a while. I've recently realised I rely far too much on super dark colours for my shadows, so this piece was a great exercise in restraining myself and exploring different colour options. The power of contrast is also so important, and definitely something I now understand better and will keep in mind going forward.

So, Jurassic World Evolution! I've already said my piece on this game on the WIP for this. I've still not played it since which is such a shame. I'm longing for better dino AI and active hunting mechanics so it's exciting to watch rather than a single pre-scripted event. It makes the idea of a wild site B, which was the inspiration for this, totally boring and pointless.

Ahh well. The game gave me a new love for Struthiomimus =P

I remember when I was obsessed with Jurassic Park Operation Genesis, that was the game that actually got me to discover digital art and I started learning everything bit by bit. One of my first pieces I did was a terrible TERRIBLE fanart which i still have in my scraps! What an art journey!

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