TMNT-CousinsFlashyFashionFraud on DeviantArt

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An older version of me and ~NightOwl285's character Maggie (left in the red) and ~writer212's character Miwa (right in the blue). :) Maggie is April and Donatello's daughter and Miwa is Leo and Karai's daughter. Miwa wears shoes because she's self conscious of her feet, which only has three toes on each. So she wears shoes. The girls are just spending time on the beach. I know it doesn't look like the beach on the east coast, so let's say they're on vacation or something XD Maggie would probably be in her early 20s in this while Miwa would probably be 17, since Maggie would be older.

Also, I adore pin up vintage bathing suits, so I put them in them. :love:

Beach stock: [link]
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576x792px 553.29 KB
© 2013 - 2025 FlashyFashionFraud
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