Social Media + Where to Find Me [Updates!]

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flarechess's avatar
Hey friends!! ;-;// 

I haven't been on dA for a long time for a lot of reasons, but I've more or less decided to move off of dA and onto twitter. I'm keeping all of my art and journals up here, but my core membership will expire in a few months and I'm okay with that. 

If you need to contact me, I'm easy to reach on my twitter, which is flarechess
or my tumblr, which is... flarechess 
(I just realized how easy I am to find oh my god)

ANYWAYS I've been working on a lot of game dev stuff over the summer as a part of my internship, which is the direction I think my life is leading to right now! I'm really excited about it, and as a result I've been devoting a lot of time to learning things about the industry. I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to make full-on production art, but the next step is learning some basic 3D art and at least mastering how to line... 

Anyways, I hope you've all been doing well! I miss so many of you, especially my friends at Tibumeru ;___; // 
© 2016 - 2024 flarechess
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Umi-Chann's avatar
//will only get Twitter just for you i miss ya so much hun your killing me//