flaerty on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/flaerty/art/The-Sonic-Sky-801019770flaerty

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flaerty's avatar

The Sonic Sky


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That took me a whole month to make! I had to experiment a lot to achieve the illusion of moving camera through space.

I also wanted animation to have a warm feeling of imperfection, so every detail on each character in every frame was colored manually, without using automatic tools.

The second background really took on my nerves because I am far from a good artist. But I hope I made it work!

The scenery was inspired by primarily Speed Highway, Star Light Zone, Stardust Speedway and the cool city view I go to see every evening.

Characters by Sega.

Full: www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrIcmo…

Image size
700x394px 13.21 MB
© 2019 - 2024 flaerty
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WolfToonz's avatar

This isn't even the best Sonic animation I've seen here, it's the best animation.