Fishy-san87's avatar


Can't live with nor without you.
134 Watchers217 Deviations



Find Your Identity

Sometimes it takes a while For a person to discover one’s identity. We all work at our own pace. It can be a long journey before someone finally realizes What one really is, Whether it comes to sexuality or gender or just some kind of identity. It is not always so easy to figure out. I know this from my own experience. It took me nearly a decade to finally fully realize my sexuality. I spent a long while being unsure And though I still I identified a certain way, It did not feel quite right. Just know that if you are not fully sure of what you are, You are not alone with this type of feeling. I know you will find your way. It may take a while and it is not always easy, But I know you will eventually get there.


13939 deviations
Smiling Madara


98 deviations
Van Gogh's Sunflowers

Personal likes

861 deviations

Ikone im Goldrahmen

dein stilles ringen im Perlmutt-Sarkophag mit zahllosen Klingen eine klangfarbene Mondscheinwiese die keine Sonne, keine Worte und kein Niederschlag vor dem Schmerz bewahrt, vergeblicher Liebefunkelnd im dunklen und leuchtend in der Sonne so scharfzüngig und doch hintergründig leis eine Glasperlengeisha fremder Lichtträume weint unter lautlosem Lächeln ihr Schöngeist einsame Schlafmohne  Geister lustwandeln unter lebenden Toten verfolgen Wünsche, Gewinnerquoten schenkt keine Rast diesem verfolgten Hungerherz den freien Frieden sich selbst (los) zu lieben© j.w.waldeck 2020

Written Works - DE

492 deviations

Find Your Identity

Sometimes it takes a while For a person to discover one’s identity. We all work at our own pace. It can be a long journey before someone finally realizes What one really is, Whether it comes to sexuality or gender or just some kind of identity. It is not always so easy to figure out. I know this from my own experience. It took me nearly a decade to finally fully realize my sexuality. I spent a long while being unsure And though I still I identified a certain way, It did not feel quite right. Just know that if you are not fully sure of what you are, You are not alone with this type of feeling. I know you will find your way. It may take a while and it is not always easy, But I know you will eventually get there.

Written Works - EN

810 deviations
Meadow Flowers II

Photography - General

1455 deviations

Photography - Guinea Pigs

368 deviations


206 deviations
Beak variation - Platanistoids

Dinosaur and co. Art

467 deviations
Howdy Partner

Bird Art

609 deviations
Czarna Perla/ Black pearl

Cats Art

1067 deviations
Lune 2022-11-11

Beautiful Universe

197 deviations
Ryomen Sukuna

Secret Anime crushes

74 deviations

One Piece FA - General

342 deviations
FB: Arlong and Me

One Piece FA - Arlong

61 deviations
Uchiha Madara

Naruto Fanarts

360 deviations

Other Anime FA

1704 deviations

Healing scars - Katakuri x Reader [2]

“I do, I do trust you,” you softly hummed cupping his heavily scarred face. Gently, you tapped upon the extending stitches climbing out into the outer edges of his cheeks. Shakily tracing upon the raised horizontal lines, the numbing feeling of calm didn’t last for long. Initially, he refused to say anything. Despite your worried pleas turning into a frustrated demand, he tried to redirect for as long as possible; to protect you from the heartache he said. While somethings are better left unsaid, you refused to move another inch without an answer. “Kata! You have to tell me!” you vocally protested a loud before as your fists angrily ball...

One Piece Fanfics

67 deviations

Sleep - Midnight x Reader

Sleep- Midnight x Reader(AN: So I haven't really had any ideas for the requests as of late but I've been watching Fairy Tail and this little thing popped into my head and since there isn't much for Midnight's fandom that I can find, I decided to type and post it xD. Sorry for any OOCness, I'm not very far into the Oracion Seis arc lol.)Sighing I stared at the other members of Oración Seis a bored look claiming my features as I observed each one. Brain was talking with Angel and Racer about our next move, Hoteye sat counting how many Jewels he’d acquired from his last mission and Cobra sat half asleep with Cubellios in his lap and Midnight ...

Other Anime FFs

70 deviations
Hiiden hirvi, Goblin's Elk

Dark, Horror, Macabre and Strange Art

1095 deviations
A pleasant surprise

Mixed-up Faves

1312 deviations
Alola Marowak

Pokemon Art

822 deviations
Daleks in London

Doctor Who

971 deviations
I am The Master

Doctor Who - The Master

387 deviations

Bases and line arts

73 deviations

My Art Got Stoldenated... : ( Sad Face

Partially writing this as a PSA as I'm unsure how many other people are aware of this and I have a feeling such sites likely scrape the entirety of Deviantart/Instagram/etc. Figured that other artists may have been impacted too by this nonsense. The other part is because i find this all ridiculous and kind of funny. So for shits and giggles I decided to look up "TheBootesArtVoid" on the Google's and see what came up other than my usual social media accounts. Well lo and behold i found some 'poster' sites that were selling "TheBootesArtVoid" posters etc from anywhere between $30 - $60. The sites are Posterbe and Selliliar (odd name for a site i know..) I intentionally did not include links as I know Deviant Art gets a bit finicky about posting links to outside sources -_- Please be advised that these are not official merchandise from me and have been put on these sights without my knowledge or consent. Posterbe seems to be quite notorious for ripping other people's art work and


98 deviations