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firstedition's avatar




A commission for a client.

The original idea was for an "80's characters in lingerie" page. We went through a couple different versions of this page and put in/took out a few characters.

Ultimately, I think the page turned out well. However, I feel like the pencil lines aren't bold enough for the characters themselves and, as a result, they get lost in the background a bit. Maybe I should've ditched the 'stone' pattern on the walls. Oh well.

I drew the layout in my sketchbook, scanned it in and digitally rearranged it. Then I printed it out at a larger size and light-boarded the rough outlines onto the final page. From there I finished the pre-sketch with a non-photo blue colored pencil, then penciled the whole thing with a BIC 0.5mm mechanical pencil.
Image size
935x629px 310.79 KB
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