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A Year of Cosplay 2013



Another year passes and another year's worth of costumes add to the collection. I surprise myself how much I continue to cosplay, even though I keep trying to "cut back" hahah. Well, I look at this year and I can't say I'm impressed because of how much overlapping and/or "closet cosplay" a lot of my costumes were. And then there were the ones that I started years ago but finally got around to finishing, so it doesn't feel "new" to me. But eh, it doesn't really matter, so long as I'm having fun.

I was kind of upset this year because I didn't go to two of my staple cons, Otakon and NYCC. After going to Otakon for NINE YEARS ever since I started cosplaying, I was pretty depressed not going. It's more the break in tradition than the physical act of not-going that's most upsetting. However, I did go to a new con for me this year: Anime USA, which I had a really good time at and look forward to returning to next year. Otherwise, I hit up my other two regular cons, Katsucon and AnimeNext. This year I also did a lot of private photoshoots, which is not typically a thing I ever did before. But I think it was about four of them, which were very fun, and helped ease the pain between conventions, hahah.

I got to work with quite a few new photographers this year, which is really great! I also feel like I exponentially acquired new friends, which is also wonderful. One of the best things about cosplay is the friends it brings together, whether old or new.

I have some things remaining from last year still on the docket for this year, and I'm knee-deep in making Origami Cyclone, which is a dream cosplay of mine. Other than that, I'm thinking I'm gonna take it easy by making more costumes that are simpler and just have fun with that. But we'll see!

Once again, thanks to everyone of my watchers for being supportive with your kind comments and favorites! It really means the world to me to see people excited about the things I'm working on. If you found me via my tutorials, well, I hope those have been helpful, and I'm sure there's more on the way.

As always, feel free to follow me on tumblr to keep up with my cosplay progress, etc.

See you all in 2014!

For comparison:
A Year of Cosplay 2012
A Year of Cosplay 2011
A Year of Cosplay 2010
My Cosplay History since 2004
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© 2013 - 2024 firewolf826
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WickedJamie's avatar
I-Is that Dominic from Eureka 7? :heart:!!!