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A Year of Cosplay 2011



A summary of this year in cosplay for me.

As noted above, I didn't make as many costumes as last year, but still feel pretty satisfied with what I made this year. Last year's total was 9, this year is 6. I'm surprised I made that many, to be honest! I don't remember making half of them! Not sure if I'll even make it to 6 in 2012, waaaah. For one thing, I'm running out of things I want to make... :/

This year had a very heavy "American cartoon" theme. I haven't really been into watching new anime lately, so I was more heavily influenced by American shows I know and love, like Avatar and Danny Phantom. And How to Train Your Dragon and Treasure Planet are two of my favorite films of all time. More recently, I am sort of kind of watching some anime (vaguely). My new favorite is Tiger & Bunny. But still, I'm more into reading webcomics, and some manga, these days....

This year was my first time attending Katsucon. It was a wonderful convention, and I'm going this February as well! I also went to AnimeNext, Otakon, and NYCC/NYAF this year. Those cons are also on my list to hit up in 2012.

As always, thank you to all and anyone who favs or comments on my cosplays, or follows me here on dA! I love to share my cosplays, and if even one person enjoys my costumes, I'm glad! Because as much as I love cosplaying purely out of love for the character, I love seeing other people excited for my costumes just as much! This year I will try to upload more, since, I am still... very behind...

Thank you all, and I hope for another successful cosplay year!

And if you're not already aware, I post cosplay inprogress and tutorials over at my tumblr Check it out if you're interested! (I'm actually open to requests for tutorials atm)

For comparison:
A Year of Cosplay 2013
A Year of Cosplay 2012
A Year of Cosplay 2010
My Cosplay History since 2004
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© 2011 - 2024 firewolf826
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SmartGem's avatar
INUBAKA!!!! lol yeahh suguri's uniform color is always different on the cover ;u; i wonder how they can afford it... isn't teppei like... broke? XDD;;