Vinyl and Craft Foam Armor TutorialFireLilyCosplay on DeviantArt

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Vinyl and Craft Foam Armor Tutorial



At last, the long awaited Vinyl & Craft Foam Armor Tutorial!

I've had a lot of practice with this method, and this is the formula that works best for me, so I hope it can help you build your armor with ease. I really enjoy working with my hands and making armor pieces using various methods, so please don't hesitate to ask questions if you have any - I'll be glad to answer them!

Tutorial and all images therein are Copyright Fire Lily and
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800x3730px 2.06 MB
© 2012 - 2025 FireLilyCosplay
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epicShadowdragon's avatar
This might help me. I want to make an Assassin's creed costume and this tutorial an d the boot one will help a lot. 

Any suggestions on how to making the knife holders and How can I make the armor on his waist look like it has layers?

Here's a picture of what I want to make.…