Hello, I'd love to respond to your comments, you did have some interesting information there, but
blocked me I guess?
Obviously she's a girl with something to prove. I mean she just blocked me without saying anything to me or anyone in the comments. Pretty cowardly move considering she'd worded the poll without leaving in a portion for people who didn't think anything of it. Also, she's flagging everything I said as spam while leaving everyone else's words so it's obviously not from length as she left the other long ones that others had posted! I thought it was strange she wasn't mentioning anything from the beginning, but I didn't really she'd be this much of a (Excuse me for saying this) Bitch...
(I don't think that's unreasonable to say that as I said I support women's equality and just had some controversial points. She obviously just can't take opinions that differ from hers.
Honestly, I thought you were a little stubborn, although you were acting just like I was so I really have no reason to complain, but I would never do what she did and I don't think you would either!)
Anyway, do you want me to respond in notes or just call it even?