The Forgotten Atlantisfiredudewraith on DeviantArt

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Daily Deviation

July 25, 2008
The Forgotten Atlantis by ~firedudewraith is an exquisite underwater painting. So realistic and full of life you can almost feel it. A beautiful digital creation that mimics traditional mediums in a wonderful way!
Featured by cosmosue
Suggested by ShittyValentine
firedudewraith's avatar

The Forgotten Atlantis



EDIT (2th Feb 09): Color, detail correction for prints.

Once a glorious civilization, the city of Atlantis sank beneath the sea after a catastrophic-proportion disaster. Millennia after, the knowledge and culture of the Atlantian had faded with time. The light of the once proud city shines still, penetrating the deepest depth in the ocean.

Image size
1269x1048px 324.87 KB
© 2006 - 2025 firedudewraith
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jag140's avatar

This is a longshot but would it be possible to get a print of this anywhere else?

Always thought this was a beautiful painting and just visited DA again only to find that they got rid of the prints store. It's a shame.