FirebornForm's avatar


144 Watchers185 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Digital Art
  • United States
  • Deviant for 11 years
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (101)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
My Bio
Colors are my favorite area of art! I grew up around the 16 bit era which had lots of sweet colorful pallets.

I don't want a single style so expect to see curve-balls from me now and then, it all really depends on what I'm working on. A lot of my most colorful painted pieces come to me on a whim, while the others have been planned out. I've worked on a good chunk of collabs, so if you're interested in team ups shoot me a note!

I'm often part of tribute projects for old games, re-imagined into 3D! If people want prints of my work then there's no harm in having the option. :)

I like how RedBubble is organized.…

Society6 has a little more printing options if that's what you're looking for.

Favourite Games
Super Smash Bros, Secret of Mana, Super Metroid, F-Zero, Soul Calibur II, TMNT IV: Turtles in Time, Contra 3, GoldenEye64, Trackmania
Favourite Gaming Platform
SNES, N64, GameCube, PC
Tools of the Trade
Mostly Photoshop or Painter. I use a Wacom Intuos3
For a while I thought about leaving sketches and unfinished work off my DA but decided that I would instead post a bunch of it anyways. People can enjoy the old sketches for what they are, and see my stuff in super rough state, but also by posting these publicly means I can't just hide it. I may actually finish some (especially if people want to see a sketch taken to finish. just speak up! It might give me enough of a motivational kick. Unrelated to art I've spent a weekend trialing out some photoshop plugins I made. It's clear to many artists that Adobe just doesn't give a damn about us, and they just put all their focus into making the gr
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I don't often get sick but when I do, it's an ordeal. My grandfather died about a month ago and I've been sick ever since. A whole lot of the family got sick from the same sort of thing with all the exchanging hands and standing around in the chilly air. I honestly think we got it from one of the people hosting the funeral but that's all unimportant now. My uncle got antibiotics for bronchitis but I've been through the ringer with just trying to get over it. The worst part about it is how it just never seems to go away fully, when there's days I feel like it's passed it just sticks around even longer. What started as soreness and a cloudy he
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Hey Photoshop users out there! This issue became so annoying that I decided to force a fix... using the power of the internet! Remember the atrocious  ? Well you can get out of this Hell too! WHY ADOBE, WHY?? Whenever you use step-backward or undo once, if you changed layers as well then it will go back on editing the layer before. I've known about this little headache for quite a while, as I'm sure that everyone who uses Photoshop would run into it. For the most part I was tolerant of it but that quickly changed into table-flipping when working on a new piece. For some unknown reason that no one can answer this terrible Undo function wa
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Profile Comments 28

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Nice gallery
Have a bunny

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Thanks for the support!
Glad you like my inks and hope to collab agian.
Hey do me a big favor and play F-Zero VS with me? Ive been hunting for 5 days to find somebody to play with and ive found nobody. 

Heres a video of the game so you know what it is.…
I've actually played VS before, but I havent had it for a while. The SNES version definitely has a lot of fond memories but my favorite was always X and GX being able to attack people. Not quite the same when the only "attack" is to ram your opponent. ;) VS is fun on its own right to run blind against Death Wind II or Fire Field when you haven't played it in years. =p
I've been a bit busy (reading that A LOT), but I'm still thinking on that collab. Just finding some time to do so.