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The BLiNX: The Time Sweeper Encyclopaedia



Well, I don't really know how I could ever go beyond what I put into this thing.  This is the result of nine months of work (admittedly kind of on and off), collecting hundreds of screenshots and as much information as I possibly could on the BLiNX universe as a whole.  This is a compilation of every single piece of lore I could find throughout both games, as well as a very small amount from outside sources.  At nearly 33,000 words and 137 pages, it's pretty damn massive.

The PDF is broken into distinct articles prefaced by a hyperlinked table of contents.  Just click on the title of the article you want to see in the table of contents and you'll jump to it instantly.

While I originally started on this as a way to put all the necessary information in one place to use for development of fan theories and the like, I realized in the past few months as I worked more and more on the small details that a lot of the game's worldbuilding is really easy to miss, especially in the case of the Goddesses and their relationship with the rest of the universe (which has caused a number of people to simply dismiss it as contradictory nonsense despite being rather consistent, I've noticed).  A number of common questions seem to be answered by the various articles on different matters, as well as a detailed timeline detailing who was doing what throughout the Big Crystal incident.

I don't know if I'll be making any further modifications unless absolutely necessary (mostly because editing this thing involves removing and then re-applying all its formatting, which is a big nuisance), but any suggestions are still welcome in any case.  Have fun with all your BLiNX stuff.
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Bomb-Kaboomie's avatar

Fuck me I thought Pelon was a female the entire god damn Time!!!