FilterArtPhillter on DeviantArt

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FilterArtPhillter's avatar

Shattered Ego


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Consider the reflection of ones self to be a world of mirrors. Reflecting into infinity. Showing all different versions of yourself, better or worse. The hardest thing to accept that even though potential is infinite. The capacity of understanding is finite.

Even if you search for one special reflection from that one special angle. You can't ignore all other possibilities you see along the way.

It's maddening. So much so you doubt the person that you are after seeing the worst that you could be. So much second guessing creates the kind of pressure that leads to a self destructive downfall.
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2500x3750px 3.45 MB
© 2017 - 2024 FilterArtPhillter
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Hi mate! Can i use your image for my facebook/insta/Link channel?=
I talk about narration, games and roleplay.
I will credit and put a link of your channel here