Ines Character SheetFileera on DeviantArt

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Ines Character Sheet



I just felt like doing her a new ref sheet, because I couldn't stand looking at the old one. ^^' 
I know that lineart here is worse than my other linearts, but it's because it's actually MY lineart. I made it with my new tablet and it's my first work with it.... I hope it's not that bad. :'D

Chotara helped me with paws. Thanks, dear! :hug:


Edit: Thanks for LeftDuality for the help with the eye. <3


It's Inés - my lioness character which I play on She's leader and pristess of The Silver Moon Pride.
Her mother is Vendetta (my character) and her father is Nuko (kira-immorals character).

picture and character (c) me

Other pictures of her: 
Image size
1108x1078px 333.58 KB
© 2014 - 2025 Fileera
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Desevera's avatar
A mi się podoba oko, jest najgenialniejsze. Takie kobiece. I ramię... ehm, nie wiem jak to nazwać, ale jest fajne. I lineart jest spoko ^^