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Ashen King



This year's carving is a pumpkin-ized Lord Vanaduke that took two days and two pumpkins to make, one for the body and the other for the cape, arms, and minor details. The cape and shoulder guards were attached using bamboo skewers and almost everything else are held together using galvanized steel wire.

Both the bamboo skewers and galvanized steel wire are purchasable at your nearest dollar store, so what are you waiting for? 

Some things to note: In order to have maximum glow effects on lines and surface carvings, the inside should be hollowed so the light has less pumpkin mass to go through. The spikes on the shoulder and arm guards were also hollowed out. 
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2079x3250px 9.82 MB
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RoboLoover's avatar
never have i thought this was possible but awesome