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Invitation Envelopes PS Brush




This set of free Photoshop brushes is composed of 17 medium-resolution images of romantic invitation envelopes. These brushes may be useful for creating love or Valentine-themed designs. Created in Photoshop CS2, these brushes have resolution of around 500 pixels and should work with any CS version of Photoshop.

TERMS OF USE: As usual, you may use these brushes for personal, noncommercial projects. However, please refrain from making these brushes available for download outside of this site.

Please leave a comment if you happen to like these brushes or if you find them useful. Your comments will be greatly appreciated.

IMPORTANT!!!: Please refrain from redistributing these brushes, (i.e., downloading this set and making it available for download somewhere else). Also, HOTLINKING to the archived file is not allowed. Please refer to the original post at if you want to spread the word.

Image size
500x367px 52.47 KB
© 2009 - 2024 fiftyfivepixels
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