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Beach Clip Art Brushes



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This is a set of free Photoshop brushes featuring different brushes that you can use in designing a beach-themed designs such as websites, brochures, summer party invitations, etc. Images included in this set are silhouettes and vector renditions of girls in beach summer outfits, a girl surfing, men in board shorts, some hibiscus and palm trees among other things. I also included some brushes intended to be used as background in your designs.

Like all of my brushes, these brushes are also in large sizes, with each brush having a resolution of about 2000 pixels. There are a total of 28 brushes in this set and should work with any CS version of Adobe Photoshop.

TERMS OF USE: You may use these brushes for personal, noncommercial uses. However, please refrain from making these brushes available for download outside of this site. If you want other people to know about these brushes, please refer them to the original post in my blog.

To Download, click on the [link]
Image size
500x301px 57.91 KB
© 2009 - 2024 fiftyfivepixels
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