Hi Fiery-Fire, you are being credited here:
Have a nice and productive day. 🎶🌹
Thanks for the Ninja, much appreciated! I will dive in after in your gallery, as I am just crashing in here, been working on an economy writ for a business proposition and they get tedious! Cheers, Vic
No worries - I'm enjoying myself on dA again. As I knew I would, take care Vic and get the pie charts & numbers for your report :))
I can link you to some respurces, if you can use them, go ahead!!
>> https://www.deviantart.com/fiery-fire/gallery/6442471/apo-uf-m3d-bryce-resources
Have a great night - Yva
Thank you and thanks for the Snowball!
Thanks for the fave in Nature, none of that is in fractals, but Woman of 1000 Years and Stairways to Heaven is all in fractals and quite a bit of philosophy and Metaphysics, emotions where running high! I had to downtone a bit! Take a look, you will find something for sure, there where some heavy duty philosophical emotive exhanges, as we went deeper! Cheers, Vic
Thank you for commenting and faving my work, much appreciated! Cheers, Victor
You most welcome Victor!! It's always a great night to find some new artists (new to me) and some intricate artworks!! Hope I will stick around this time around dA, have been gone a few ...years, lol Cheers - Yvonne