Current Residence: holden, ma Favourite genre of music: techno with words Favourite photographer: no Favourite style of art: okekai Operating System: windows 2000 MP3 player of choice: ipod/winamp5 Shell of choice: whaaaaaa? Wallpaper of choice: one that i made Skin of choice: dogmaX Favourite cartoon character: peter griffin Personal Quote: "my nose is chapped"
Favourite Visual Artist
thom from radiohead
Favourite Movies
empire records
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
engine down
Favourite Writers
Favourite Games
tales of symphonia
Favourite Gaming Platform
gba sp
Tools of the Trade
wacom tablet (intuos 2)
Other Interests
computers, art, music, not playing music, and video games
welcome to the new ~straight-edge community
if you´ve some sxe related art or just art against drugs and so on look at the journal on our page to submit it.