Vintage Toys Photoshop BrushesFidgetResources on DeviantArt

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Vintage Toys Photoshop Brushes



This is my first set of brushes so apologies if they are all screwed up. Don't shout at me just message me and I'll sort them out.

They are mostly all large brushes, hi-res.

I'm going to start creating brushes from vintage images mostly as that's what I'm into, however, if there's anything else you'd like turned into brushes give me a shout and I'll give it a go.

These are available for:
Non-commercial use
Commercial use

HOWEVER - I do not want them repackaged and sold on somewhere else. That's not fair. Also don't just plonk one down on a background and sell them on, again, that's not fair considering the work I've put into them.
When I say commercial use, I mean you can add them to a piece of art, website, leaflet, poster etc. or they can be added to cards, atcs, aceos, collages, scrapbooking etc. but NOT to be sold on as an element by themselves.
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