Fanart - Radiant as the Sunfictograph on DeviantArt

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Fanart - Radiant as the Sun



"I am not pretty. I am not beautiful. I am as radiant as the sun... I am still the girl on fire."

As promised, more Hunger Games fan art! Katniss in her interview dress. The colors and flame look folds were pretty hard to come up with - I wanted more than a simple fahion dress shot. I wanted to capture that dramatic, romantic, look.

Man, was I surprised when a headless WIP shot of this reached over one thousand notes on Tumblr. You're a wonderful fandom!

Katniss Everdeen belongs to Suzanne Collins.
Image size
620x958px 254.35 KB
© 2012 - 2025 fictograph
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inteleon32's avatar

I’m glad some people don’t do fetish art