Hello, my friends! :)I'm still alive. Sorry for the late answers but my universtiy has really taken over my life. This is my last half year (i hooope!). A lot exams and i'm very crazy now.But i want make a little game on the facebook. Would you like to win a drawing from me?
If yes,then the only thing what you have to do is to share this drawing: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=336858329694924&set=a.282247428489348.60373.134776239903135&type=1 , and "like" my site: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Enik%C5%91-Szab%C3%B3ffnana-ART/134776239903135
Deadline: 13. 04. 2012.
Good luck!:):iconclearflowerplz:
I have a FaceBook fan...