FFantasyFetishShop's avatar


Digital fantasies come true!
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Artist // Hobbyist // Digital Art
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Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (96)
Diamond: It's the highest of honors to be awarded an exclusive Diamond badge! (20)
Heart: Love is in the air, someone is thinking of you! (4)
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My Bio
Fantasyfetishshop Banani1
Stay Safe Everyone!

Hello there! I am Stacey. I managed Voreville when it was active awhile back. I also managed TheVoreTube when it was up and working. I have always enjoyed managing vore art and animation, but only recently have I actually dove in head first to create content on my own. Words can't explain or express why this genre really draws me in, but it does. It's still so fun and exciting for me even after all this time!

Well, thanks for dropping by. Stay tuned for new content. I am ALWAYS testing and tweaking new ideas and concepts!

My more DARK and TWISTED art can be found here. I now have an associate that does the more extreme art so we are able to cover just about any fetish out there!


This is my less risqué DeviantArt account that concentrates on pretty feet! ^_^


PM me here for details on that and for any questions you may have about purchasing my content. My works are for computer viewing only. I have not tested mobile devices.

Now LIVE! Hot damsels in distress!


My new Discord:


Thanks for visiting! ^_^


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CORE+ membership for Stacey ^_^

For those of you who hate subscriptions, this is another way you can help support. 6300+ for a year of the cheapest core now. DA has increased their prices making it more difficult to raise funding.

3735/7000 points

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My Content by FFantasyFetishShop, journal

In light of the latest hiccups, I have joined forces once again with an old comrade RaYzoR a.k.a MonstrousFX back on Fiverr. We are going to work on more short animations together as well as offer other gigs with our expertise. For any "questionable" content, we will use Motherless to display that. Stay tuned! https://www.fiverr.com/monstrousfx Also started another Discord...lol ^_^ https://discord.gg/2CQdrDrydB
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February 2025

0 min read
Hello fans! This holiday season has been very busy in my personal life, and it's not for pleasure that's for sure. 😑 I will not be able to work on side commissions until around February of 2025. I do plan to have a lot more of the content that I was last working on for next year. 😍 Happy holidays to you and your loved ones! Stay dry and safe out there! -Stacey ^_^
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It looks like my days here on DA are numbered. Every thing I post seems to go against the TOS which I can't understand when I see so many more grotesque, violent imagery on other DA profiles. Most of my premium downloads have now been removed by DA. It is what is it.... if you're reading this, you know who I am and you know what I can do for you. Feel free to contact me at teamstaceyli [at] gmail [dotcom] or ffantasyfetishshop [at] gmail [dotcom] if you want any kind of customs. I do it all. I just can't post it here anymore. *wink* It seems blanket vore is acceptable though. ^_^ I’ll start posting the more questionable stuff on Motherless 💕 I am no where near ending this because a still have a chock-full of new ideas and content that I want to get out!
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Running Scared

0 min read
In light of what's been happening to some artists accounts with the ban, I have to admit that I am a bit scared to post anymore content here now. I fear that it may happen to me too. I have spent a lot of time and energy here over the years. I have always tried to follow the TOS as BEST as I can, but it seems that many long time artists were banned for their content, especially "vore" related. I get it, it's a tricky subject. It really depends on how the person looking at the vore art sees it. I remember back in the days, dealing with some sites that considered any thing vore related was bestiality. I myself do not consider it bestiality. Different acts are happening here. A human is NOT having sex with an animal. An animal is swallowing a human. How is that the SAME? Sexual arousal from watching an animal eat a human so NOT the same as a human having sex with the animal! But hey... tit for tat... this is why we are human. We all have the right to interpret things how We want to
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Do you still have a discord darling? I left the server a while ago cause someone was spamming hardcore.

It's not really active as usual. I just have it around in case I get booted here. ^_^ https://discord.gg/2CQdrDrydB

lol i thought you were a watcher already. I'm Honored.

I swear I was too! ^_^ But then I saw today that I was not. I am inspired by your works! Great job DT! 😍

What ever happened to VoreTube? I remember it being online last year

Ran out of funding once again, so it's gone. 😥

can you manip some of my pics???

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