feyuca on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/feyuca/art/Raven-Rougehunter-124947553feyuca

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feyuca's avatar

'Raven Rougehunter'



-edit- : Now more download friendly. Not that you'd want this as your bg image... 1280 x 800

Before the parasites attached, aka the monsterless and less beautiful version: [link]

Originally this was based off of "The cuddly succubus!" and "The nymphomaniac jiggly demoness with super-weaponry!" and everything in anime.

But then my brain and :iconkisaru: insisted on large boobs. Only when I considered giant laser cannon rockets did the monster breasts appear.

This not-masterpiece took all of...what...3-4 hours? Going through endless drafts of sexy men took about 1 hour, before I decided to draw a woman instead.

Seventh Sanctum's generator provided me with many names, and I was stuck between Raven Rougehunter and Maxim Florabeast.

:iconthisusernamefails: ..You're right. The last name Florabeast IS beast.

Image size
1280x800px 316.2 KB
© 2009 - 2024 feyuca
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Lesleigh63's avatar
Cute idea but sexy men would have appealed to me more.

I had a look at your gallery, you've got some really fine work in there.