Mysticfevereon on DeviantArt

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fevereon's avatar




Instead of spending a nice relaxing vacation with a friend, i wound up blowing all of the week working on stuff for Dragon*con, which i have to be ready for 2 days after i get back T_T.
Am i ready? Course not!! ^^;

this piece is one of them, another departure from the norm. This was loosely inspired by a Cirque De Soliel show i saw back in july, in one of the "scenes", the shows main singer was dressed in a costume and suspended from at least 25 feet up, her robe draping down til it nearly reached the floor. She had on a spiky wigthing that *loosely* resembles the blondish hair in this piece, kinda had a nature spirit thing going..

My friend posed for me, note the especially haughty expression.. she so cool :hugs:
had to use her Mac with Painter 9, both of which I'm very not used to..

will have to recommend seeing Cirque De Soleils "O" (over at the Bellagio).. i was expecting 2 boring hours of synchronized swimming or something, but it went completely beyond my preconceptions of it, and was that much better in person... amazing...
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600x900px 118.82 KB
© 2005 - 2025 fevereon
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rimireku's avatar
w00t I bought a pin of that blinedfolded guy today at AX! I was nice meeting ya! n.n