FEuJenny07's avatar


948 Watchers320 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist
  • Dec 26
  • Italy
  • Deviant for 16 years
  • She / Her
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (206)Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (206)
My Bio
Current Residence: Italy
Favourite genre of music: Soundtracks and Piano music
Operating System: Windows XP
MP3 player of choice: Acer
Favourite cartoon character: Ariel, Mulan, Mushu, Snoopy...
Personal Quote: To live would be an awfully big adventure

Favourite Visual Artist
Leonardo da Vinci
Favourite Movies
All Robin Williams movies
Favourite TV Shows
Scrubs, How I met your mother, Sabrina Teenage Witch & others
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Simple Plan, Sum41 & others
Favourite Books
Harry Potter Saga
Favourite Games
The Legend of Zelda_Ocarina of Time
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Happy New Year everybody! And thanks everyone for the Birthday greetins! I didn't have the computer in those days, but I'll reply to you all as soon as I can! Also, special thanks to those who made me a Birthday gift! ^^ Hope you'll start this New Year with the best of yourselves! COMMISSIONS RULES - I'll start with few slots, one for each deviant! -Commissions are taken on a first come, first serve basis: you'll note me about the commission you want, and I'll draw it (so you won't have to pay and wait for a long while before getting it). Once it's ready, I'll note you and send you the mail for the payment; once the payment is received, I'
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Hello folks! I'm sorry for the long silence, but it was quite a busy period for me: I've been travelling a lot around, and now I moved in Denmark for a sic months training. It's quite a change when compared to Italy, and I admit I feel a little homesick now... But I hope I'll fit in soon! Anyways, commissions are still open! Because of my new accommodation I might be a little slower than usual (stuff to buy, places to see) but I wanna get back to drawing! For the prices, same as always. RULES - I'll start with few slots, one for each deviant! -Commissions are taken on a first come, first serve basis: you'll note me about the commission you
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Short Vacation

0 min read
Hey folks! I won't reply to comments or notes for some days, since I'll be away for this week, spending some days in Rome where I'll meet with ~Mickeymonster (https://www.deviantart.com/mickeymonster) ^^ To those who requested a commission, don't worry about it: I've been quite busy lately, but you'll get your drawings done as soon as I can! Take care! :wave:
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Profile Comments 780

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:iconprincesscelestiaplz::iconsaysplz:A very good day to you, human. I come to you on your day of birth with greetings... and thanks.
:iconcelestia-plz::iconsaysplz:My good subject Pinkie Pie told me she had taken to congratulating some humans on their birthdays, but even she has her limits. So she asked us for a bit of assistance... and for such friends of ponykind, we feel it right to provide it.
:iconhappycelestiaplz::iconsaysplz:It is thanks to people like you that our land of Equestria, our very world, exists like it does. It is your friendship with us that gave us life. For that, we will forever be grateful and cherish you.
:iconcelestiapleasedplz::iconsaysplz:And so, allow me to wish you happiness, peace, prosperity and fulfillment! My hope goes with you that you suffer no hardship in the year ahead, but should a challenge befall you, I am certain your courage and skill will see you rise to conquer it!
:iconcelestiaorlyplz::iconsaysplz:Now... where is she...
:iconlunawaveplz::iconsaysplz:Here, sister!
:iconcelestiahappyplz::iconsaysplz:Fashionably late, I see! But just in time for the greetings to be given.
:iconlunashappyplz::iconsaysplz:Right! I'm ready. Three, two, one...
:iconcelestiawubplz::iconsaysplz:Happy Birthday!:iconsays2plz::iconlunahaplz:
:icondatcelestiaplz::iconsaysplz:And now... let us commence the royal party.
:iconpartypinkieplz::iconsaysplz:Haaaaaaappy happy birthday to our good friend today!
:iconpinkiestarryeyesplz::iconsaysplz:Here's a little birthday song with something I must say!
:iconpinkieishappyplz::iconsaysplz:On this day we celebrate having you with us!
:iconpinkiepartyplz::iconsaysplz:Throw a party here for you I'll make sure is a blast!
:iconpinkiehappyplz::iconsaysplz:I wish you only happiness, that your life's full of smiles!
:iconbrilliantpinkieplz::iconsaysplz:That you and your friends will prevail in any troubling times!
:iconpinkiebrilliantplz::iconsaysplz:Most of all, I wish for you that you'll have lots of fun!
:iconpinkiegalaplz::iconsaysplz:And share it with all close to you, spread happiness around!
:iconhotbloodedpinkieplz::iconsaysplz:OR ELSE!
:iconpinkiepiesmileplz::iconsaysplz:So let's get down to business now, there'll be no more delays!
:iconpinkiepiecakeplz::iconsaysplz:On to the birthday party, celebrate this joyous daaaaay!
Merry christmas and happy birthday! :hug: