Fenvaria's avatar


6 Watchers2 Deviations
Artist // Hobbyist
My Bio

I'm a 24 year old girl from Bavaria, Germany, whos trying to make her first steps in the creative world of Cosplay and Costume design.
Till I've left the gamer-life behind in 2011, I've had played a lot of different games. But my two all-time-favorites still are Ragnarok Online and World of Warcraft.
Eventhough gaming is no longer part of my life, I love the community around it. Being a serious cosplayer, which means crafting, sewing, drawing, painting, calculating, research... really hard work to get an awesome result (like so many of you already do), has always been a dream for me. And finally I want to do my very best, so I can possibly call myself a cosplayer in the future.

Enough blabla for now, I hope you enjoy your visit on my page.

You can also find me on Instagram: fenvaria_cosplay

Favourite Movies
Capote, Lord of the Rings, nearly all Tim Burton movies, Princess Mononoke
Favourite TV Shows
Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, The Simpsons, Modern Family, Gilmore Girls, The Walking Dead,... and so much more!
Favourite Books
In cold blood, Alaizabel Cray, Sag mir was du siehst, Harry Potter, The Merlin Saga...
Favourite Games
World of Warcraft, Ragnarok Online

coming together

0 min read
I worked not that much on my cosplay this week, but slowly the different parts are coming together :) In fact, I primed the breastplate this evening so I can start to paint it tomorrow. I also will add some details and ornaments on the belt and prime them too. If everything works out how I hope it will, I could possibly be finished next weekend :D
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While I'm extremely busy working on my cosplay, my boyfriend has to find something to do too... ;) Now he's playing xbox and all few minutes he has to give me a feedback about what I've done on my cosplay. Poor man ;) <3 Right now I am sewing the cape for my high wizard. The last days it happened, that I decided to add more details to the worbla parts of the costume. I love ornaments and I guess everything looks better with ornaments on it :D I'm not sure, but I think in 2 days I can start with the paint job! :)
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The armor base is done... Now I have to start sewing. This is going to be awful D:
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Profile Comments 3

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Hoffe du postest mal wieder auf dA und nicht nur auf FB/Twitter/IG (alles keine vernünftigen art/cosplay Seiten)
Happy Birthday Birthday cake  icon Flowers fella (Love) 
Thanks for the fave on my Terra costume! <3