Fenryk on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/fenryk/art/Bayonetta-Vigrid-Stroll-172126683Fenryk

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Daily Deviation

November 26, 2010
Everytime I see Bayonetta: Vigrid Stroll by *Fenryk and *slimu a smile is drawn on my face! This amusing fan artwork will brighten up your day with a witty combination of two completely different fandoms!
Featured by rydi1689
Suggested by deerlordhunter
Fenryk's avatar

Bayonetta: Vigrid Stroll



This was inspired by 101 Dalmatians believe it or not D: The beginning when Pongo was looking at the dogs pass by and he sees Perdita and Anita walking by, stuck-up looking LOL

I wanted to do something with Bayonetta in it.. but I didn't want to abandon Amaterasu D: So Slimu asked me why I didn't just use the 101 Dalmatian context... and so.. I did :'D

Hope you guys enjoy! Also!! Click here to join the facebook Okami page! It needs more members and if you love Okami show some support by joining! The more "likes" the merrier!!

Collab between me and :iconslimu:

Bayonetta, Cereza, Jeanne (C) Platinum Games // Amaterasu, Oki, Issun (C) Clover/Capcom // Chibiterasu (C) Capcom

EDIT: Thank you Luke Plunkett for featuring me on Kotaku, and thanks to everyone who came by to look at and comment on my work!!

Since a lot of people have been asking me about this, yes, I do have prints and posters of Bayonetta as well as most of the other artwork here on my deviantArt.

If you're interested in buying a print, this journal entry has more details. Thanks!
Image size
522x800px 276.67 KB
© 2010 - 2024 Fenryk
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ChucktheQuail's avatar

of course this is an old picture.

no one cares about her and her series anymore.