Feniiku on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/feniiku/art/Star-Studded-Sonics-262578978Feniiku

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Star Studded Sonics



Companion picture to Super Sonic Generations:

Done entirely in crayola pencils, with a minor incident in inking that meant I had to print out the pencils and ink using my light box for a change XD;

As was guessed in the WIP I uploaded, the title Star Studded comes from the Invincibility power up :P

Nothing fancy, just an excuse to draw a lot of stars!

As you may have noticed, I very rarely draw Sonic's spikes in that 2D method in the modern style, but if I hadn't, they would have looked strange and/or obscured half his face XD

I still have lineart of this, if anyone wants to take a bash at colouring it themselves, I'll be holding a contest for it, with prizes! Details will be put into my journal: Star Studded Sonics: Colouring Contest

If you want to see the lineart without my colours on it, go here:

Anyway, hope you guys like it, this is likely my last Anniversary styled picture for the year (though no promises of course, you know what I'm like ;))


Sonic © SEGA/Sonic Team
Art © Amy "Feniiku" Jeferies

:star:Sonic 20th Project:star:
Image size
2481x1755px 6.92 MB
© 2011 - 2024 Feniiku
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